Saturday, April 2, 2011

Big Sale This Weekend!

Let the fun begin!
This weekend through next Sunday is our Red Tag Sale Event. Every RV on the lot is priced to sell and prices are in the windows. Come on down if you are in the market for a motor home, travel trailer, toy haluer or fifthewheel. Click here "Red Tag Sale" to see our inventory.

Northwest Camping Center RV Sales & Service
Your Adventure! Your Way!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring is Here!

As we make our preparations for our spring & summer vacations, one of the questions we ask ourselves is "where do we go?". If you live in the Pacific Northwest, this is not a very difficult question to answer. We have a variety of choices right outside our door. If your looking for some change this year, and you have a little extra time. Why not try something a bit different then heading to your favorite camping spot an hour away. RV's give us the ability to travel long distances and bring the amenities of home along the way. If you have never been to Yellowstone, The Badlands, or Glacier National Park, then what are you waiting for!? 
You will experience some of the most memorable, and the most beautiful, regions of our country. 
This is a trip that will make you smile, let you see Elk, Moose, Antelope, Buffalo and even Bear close up.
This is a trip that will allow you to hike and bike in some of the most amazing spots, swim or fly fish on a river (somewhere in Montana or Wyoming, you will not care where) and kick back by a campfire with your family. In these economical times, we all debate the cost of our vacations and the time away from work. In my opinion, you cannot put a price on time spent with your family.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Memories that last a lifetime!

I was thinking the other day about the future of the RV. In the current hectic paced life we lead, with an emphasis on technology, what is the future of the family camping trip?
I was on a plane to visit my daughter in Virginia, and as we were flying over the Grand Canyon, the pilot made the usual announcement that we were flying over the Grand Canyon, and every parent took their children to the windows of the plane so their children could “see” one of America’s most spectacular natural wonders.
And then it hit me. Most of these kids had never seen the Grand Canyon, or probably any of our other National Parks, other than looking out the window of an airplane. And that’s too bad.
Some of my fondest memories are family vacation “road trips”. The Grand Canyon, and all of the other memorable stops along the way. While the argument can be made that having a “Trees of Mystery” bumper sticker wired to the back of the car is annoying, it is still something we talk about, and remember fondly. Life is not about how fast we get there, it is about the memories we make along the way.
Maybe it’s time to slow down, take a deep breath, reconnect with our families, and make memories that last a lifetime.
Visit us at to get started.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Preview your next campground destination!

With spring rapidly approaching and hopefully the snow in our past. We all start thinking about what we are going to do and where we are going to spend our spring & summer vacations. RV camping is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. I find it funny that when I'm planning my vacations and thinking about what I'm going to do while I'm gone, this seems to be some the fun of my vacation (imagining my travels is almost like having a pre-vacation).
One of the hardest things to do is pick your location without knowing what it looks like. I found this site while getting Northwest Camping Center set up on Twitter. If your travel plans this year are to go RV'ing, then check this site out before you go . While looking through the pictures of the campgrounds you could be staying at; maybe, just maybe, you too will be on a pre-vacation while planning your summer travels.
Happy Camping!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First things first!

First things first before we get started with anything.
I wanted to start by saying thank you to all of our customers. We truly appreciate you and wish you Happy Camping. 

Buying a recreational vehicle is a big step, almost as big as a home purchase. But there are a few ways to seek relief from this big financial decision. Did you know that you may be able to take your interest on your RV loan off your taxes? In many cases, buying a recreational vehicle counts the same as buying a vacation home, and you can take the interest you pay on the loan off your taxes for a tax break.
That means buying a recreational vehicle might not be as expensive as you might think. When you adjust the amount you can save on your taxes from the payments you'll be making on your loan, you may not see as large a payment as you thought. So, to save money when buying a recreational vehicle, check with your tax preparer before you purchase; this way you'll know just how much money you'll save on your taxes at the end of the year! Another plus if you are a resident of Washington State is that you can deduct your sales tax from a major purchase, such as an RV, Boat or Automobile. You should always check with your CPA or tax preparer.